Janet Sanchez

contact name: Janet Sanchez
contact job function details:
contact job function:

contact job title:

contact job seniority:

contact person city:

contact person state:

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code:

business name: xdtechindustry.com

business domain: xdtechindustry.com

business facebook URL:

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3605772

business twitter:

business website: http://www.xdtechindustry.com

finland telegram phone numbers

business angellist:

business found year: 2014

business city: Elmwood Park

business zip code:

business state: Illinois

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 2

jin lee founder ceo

business category: management consulting

business specialty: technology training, workforce strategy, employment leasing, management consulting, technology amp training

business technology: gmail,google_apps,nginx,wordpress_org,google_font_api,wordpress_com,mobile_friendly,shutterstock

business description: XD-TECH is a new breed of a management venture capital firm, leveraging world-class analytics is unprecedented in the venture and management industry.



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