Harini S

contact name: Harini S
contact job function details:
contact job function:

contact job title:

contact job seniority:

contact person city: Chennai

contact person state: Tamil Nadu

contact person country: India

contact person zip code: 600097

business name:

business domain: ZANEC

business facebook URL: zanec.com

business linkedin: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZANEC/393117665454

business twitter: http://www.linkedin.com/company/429045

business website: http://twitter.com/rkumar

albania number data

business angellist: http://www.zanec.com

business found year: http://angel.co/zanec-soft-tech-private

business city: 2007

business zip code: London

business state: W6 0NB

business country: England

business language: 38

business employee: United Kingdom

jeff kaplan founder and ceo

business category: English

business specialty: computer software

business technology: innovation, enterprise class software development, soa, saas, mobile app development, healthcare it, social media, portal technologies, enterprise 20, net, java, independent testing, computer software

business description: google_analytics,facebook_like_button,apache,google_universal_analytics,mobile_friendly,bootstrap_framework,google_font_api,1&1_email_provider


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