The term “Chinese overseas” is generally. Used to refer to the approximately 46 million ethnic. Chinese living outside China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. While short episodes of Chinese migration can be traced back through history. The phenomenon generally referred to as “Chinese Diaspora” only dates back to the mid-19th century (Liu & Van Dongen, 2013).
This paper will investigate the evolution of Chinese diaspora since the nineteenth century from both a global and local perspective. The analysis will begin by providing some statistics related to the major Chinese communities spread across each continent. It will then go in depth into the influence, the challenges and the most important contributions of. Chinese culture on the global community. Finally, the paper will look at the main trends and prospects of Chinese diaspora to develop a better understanding of current migration flows as well as their future implications for local communities.
Historical Evolution of Chinese Diaspora in the World
Between 1850 and the 1950s, a growing number of, Chinese workers, mostly male peasants from coastal provinces, started leaving their homeland to seek employment opportunities in Southeast Asia. Between the 1950s and the 1980s widespread violence and instability in the region shifted the destination of Chinese migrants to more industrialised areas including North America, Europe, Japan Overseas Chinese in Canada Data and Australia. Most migrants in this era were unskilled workers, driven by the growing demand for cheap manual labour elsewhere. This process is still evolving today and since the 1980s, Chinese migrants have developed an increasingly “multi-class and multi-skilled” profile, in line with the requirements of a globalised and technologically advanced economy (Ding, 2010).
Outline of the Chinese Diaspora´s presence in the World
The data presented in this section intends to give a detailed outline about Chinese Diaspora and their presence in the global community. Switches and connected sockets The amount of data we used describes within every continent in the world the main destination countries for Chinese immigrants and within those, the principal cities which host the largest Chinese diaspora settlements. At the same time, we try to give a statistical analysis of the data introduced in order to identify ch leads and explore the current relevant global trends and causes of Chinese immigration taking place in every continent included, having a particular focus on the States which became during the XIX and the XXth century prominent centers for the formation of Chinese diaspora communities.