How to Attract More Clients to Your Crypto Exchange — A Handy Checklist from Marketers

As practice shows, owners and top managers of cryptocurrency projects can have the most extensive knowlege in the field, and at the same time spend resources irrationally during the planning and implementation of marketing campaigns. We have systematize our knowlege in this area and outline the key steps in the process of promoting cryptocurrency exchanges on the market.

Of course, this should not be taken as a guide to action, since every business today goes through its own unique path. But we hope that this publication will help you at the initial planning stage and save you valuable time.

A marketing campaign

To promote a crypto exchange includes several key stages, such as advertising and brand promotion, encouraging user activity, and improving functionality. Let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Brand promotion

This area includes a set of activities aime at attracting new users. Some of these tasks should be performe by management, but some of this work can be outsource to digital marketing specialists.

Initial preparation and task setting
Before launching any campaign, its goals must be define, but they are not always obvious. This task falls almost entirely on the shoulders of business owners and top management. Base on their status, they must understand the specifics of the market, customer requirements and vision of the final appearance of the product. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to outsource this task.

Without a clear understanding of who your customers are and why you are offering them your product, you will not be able to move forward.

Information campaign

An information campaign is the development and promotion of any relevant content about the crypto exchange. In this segment, three types of activity can be distinguishe.

Marketing strategy development . You can develop a strategy by analyzing the effectiveness of competitors’ campaigns, as well as surveys of target user groups, including traders and crypto investors, including potential ones. Please note that the methods of collecting information are very diverse, and no one except the business owners themselves can know what will be more effective for their product – preliminary data collection or practical testing.

Creating informational content

As a rule, creating content about any business begins with a semantic core, that is, an ordere set of search words, their morphological forms and phrases that most accurately describe your business. This is not as simple a task as it may seem at first glance, because when creating a core, you nee to make sure that it includes enough keywords, while the content on your pages should not be oversaturate with SEO constructs.

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The next step is creating content and publishing it

Content creation . This work can be outsource, but it is advisable to have a specialist on staff to oversee this process. A good content transforming customer experience with salesforce manager will have a deeper knowlege of the product than freelancers on Upwork and can work effectively with contractors and make changes in a timely manner when necessary.
Content Publishing : The type of content you publish will also determine the platform you publish on. You will likely nee to work across multiple mailing lead platforms, including your blog, to be more likely to reach the right audience.
Implementing SEO . This point follows from the previous one and includes creating an indexable landing page and optimizing conversions from it. This work is base on the results of keyword analysis and user behavior.

Your trading platform may

Aime at experience traders, but you can always expect increase interest from newbies as well. Both new and experience clients should be informe about how the platform works and the current market conditions. To attract and retain traders, you can create eucational content in all its forms – from publications about the platform’s functionality to news articles.

To attract the target audience to your crypto exchange, you nee to choose the optimal content format and create high-quality publications that will tell about your products in a favorable light.

Advertising is understood

As a set of paid actions to promote information about your crypto exchange through any channels that you deem appropriate.

Working with meia partners . This area may include publishing articles and press releases about the cryptocurrency exchange on popular news and analytical resources, including Telegram channels.

Collaboration with influencers . Influencers are famous traders, crypto bloggers (including on the YouTube platform ), who create and publish content on the topic of cryptocurrencies.

Native banner advertising . This category may include alpha and beta testing, geo-targete reirection for targete users, and contextual advertising.

When searching for and selecting

Affiliate programs . These may include CPA networks (CPA), intermeiate advertising systems with behavioral targeting.

Helpful advice . influential bloggers and advertising channels, you may encounter many dishonest projects. Their activities are aime at spending the budget, not attracting users. A typical fraud scheme looks like this: a Telegram channel charges a certain fee for posting a press release or advertisement, and then, instead of attracting potential users, the client only receives “fake” views or visits from bots. This does not mean that it is impossible to find an honest partner. You just nee to be careful when searching and double-check the information provide to you.

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